Don’t Play with Your Vote!-Engaged AF
The first presidential debate took place on Thursday June 27th and if you watched it, then bless you. It was 90 minutes of the most absurd foolishness I’ve ever seen. President Joe Biden was out of it, according to reports he had the flu. The twice impeached, disgraced former President and felon lied about as often as he breathed, but did it with the conviction of a saint. The moderators, CNN’s Dana Bash and Jake Tapper were as effective as mic stands. They offered no fact checking, no pushback, no follow up questions, they were, in every essence, flaccid and ineffectual. When the two men devolved into discussing who’s the better golfer I basically wanted to hurl my TV out the window. How in God’s name did we get here?! Well, when Americans decided in 2016 that they would rather have a sexual assaulter and media personality for President rather than the most accomplished politician, because she’s a woman, you end up in the 3 rings of hell–which is where this debate took place.
All I could think watching this debate was that we didn’t have to be here. America deserved better than this display of ineptitude. Nonetheless, as I have said so many times on all of my shows–you play the cards that you are dealt. I’m not going to lie, the hand isn’t great but we’re not out of the game yet! Here are the facts Joe Biden stated as he returned to himself and the state of North Carolina the day after the disaster–
“I know I’m not a young man. I don’t walk as easily as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know what I do know, I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong and I know how to do this job! I know how to get things done. I know what millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down you get back up!” This was the Biden we desperately needed to show up on Thursday and go toe to toe with Trump. The reality is that debates are no more than political pageants. They offer very little substance and are big on showmanship. So, where Trump deflected questions that warranted substance Biden, after he got his sea legs, offered it up.
What I want people to understand following this debate is that I don’t give a damn about pageants and you shouldn’t either. This election is too important for us to be stuck in a place of vanity. Biden doesn’t have the stage presence and oration of an Obama or the charisma of a JFK, but what he misses with these he makes up for it with his record of accomplishments. Under Biden, unemployment is at a 50-year low, millions of Americans were vaccinated, thousands put to work with the passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill, hundreds of thousands seeing relief from student loan debt, an economy that has rebounded swiftly from Covid-19 and is the envy of the world, these are just some of the things that he has done. Oh and not to mention billions to Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Lost in all of the preoccupation with Trump and his lies are the facts of the Biden administration's accomplishments.
There is one candidate that is old and a liar. There is another candidate that is old, but honest, hardworking and believes in the Constitution. From abortion bans to legislative discrimination against LGBTQ+ people, to gutting social safety nets, everything is at stake in this election and there is only one candidate that gives a damn about the future of this country, the other only cares about himself.
Don’t play with your vote friends, because Republicans are out here playing in our faces locked and loaded and ready to drag this country back to the 19th century. We can’t let them!