DAM’s 5 Tips to help Romanticize your life!-Peaceful AF

We all love a good romance whether it’s falling in love with the characters and aesthetics of Bridgerton or dreaming of moving to Italy and falling in love like the book From Scratch. The reality is we love romance in books and films because they represent a longing we have in our lives. The fact is we are often too busy human “doing” that we don’t take the time to romance ourselves. So, here are 5 tips to add a little romance to your days.

  1. Buy yourself flowers. There is nothing that brings a smile to my face more than a beautiful bouquet. 

  2. Eat by candlelight. One of my favorite things to do is light all the tealights in my home and make myself a delicious brunch on a slow Sunday. 

  3. Turn your lunch hour into a picnic hour. No fancy picnic basket needed. Grab a nice baguette, a yummy spreadable cheese, some fruit, a blanket, and head to a park or a nice bench. Nibble and watch the world go by. So much nicer than the American tradition of eating at your desk!  

  4. Take an evening stroll. There is nothing better than a little stroll after dinner. Leave your phone at home or place it on silent and take in the sites in your neighborhood. Do something crazy like say “good evening” to a neighbor.

  5. Light a scented candle in your bedroom a half hour before bed. Give yourself the hotel turndown treatment and prepare your room for bed 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime. 

These are just little habits that can go a long way into bringing some much needed romance and slow sweetness into our daily lives. Enjoy! 


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