Creating a “Slow and Soft” Summer-Inspired af

Picture it, America, Summer 2019–rapper Meg Thee Stallion comes out with the bop “Hot Girl Summer”. It was all about hot girl ‘ish–clubbing, sex, running the streets etc. It was THE jam. That song encapsulated a lot of what we were on in 2019–living that fast, big, zero f**ks life. Then BOOOOOOOM. Covid-19 comes in like gangbusters several months later and let’s be honest, nothing has been the same since. 

While we know a lot of lives were lost during that time, including my step-grandmother’s, a vibrant 77 year old who’s life was cut shorter than it should have been, we also learned a lot. We learned a lot about fear, grief, and uncertainty; but for those that were privileged enough to stay home and work–we also learned how to sloooooow all the way down. I think often back to how scary everything became with the world beyond our front doors closed down. No bars, restaurants, nail salons, gyms, etc. No contact with people outside of your pod for fear of infection. The early days of Covid were indeed a crazy time and yet at the same time for me it was a time to slow down and take stock of what really mattered. With all external distractions on pause I began a deep internal journey into every nook and cranny of my life up until that point. As a person who had turned their nose up at restrictive dogmatic organized religion I began a daily meditation and prayer practice. A practice that allowed me to begin my day with a deep sense of gratitude to be with my loving family with plenty of resources and outdoor space. 

You see, the plenty wasn’t just about financial security which was indeed important and necessary as so many were being laid off from work— It was also about the benefit of time. Long walks in nature every day. Blankets thrown down on the grass to read a book. Family dinners every night with conversation. Having a daily gratitude practice helped save my mental health and refocus me on what matters the most in my life and it was living a slow and nourished experience. So, this summer–which I am dubbing America’s Last Summer (separate post to come) I want slow beautiful days spent with my hands in dirt gardening, walking barefoot through grass with a chilled glass of rose in my hand. I want deep house music and twirling under the stars, I want books and poetry. I want a calm, sweet nervous system. Honestly, I have no idea what we are rushing for or frankly what we are rushing towards so let's meander a bit, waste time being happy and free. Let’s move like honey, let’s linger like a pink sky after a summer sunset, let’s live soft and slow. 

Yutori (Japanese)

Intentionally slowing down to simply be, breathe, listen and appreciate the beauty of nature and life. Consciously creating space to relax, reflect, and integrate rather than being constantly busy and rushed. 


DAM’s 5 Tips to help Romanticize your life!-Peaceful AF