Welcome to my youtube era!: Inspired AF
If you have been listenign to any of my 50/11 podcasts then you know I have HAD it with mainstream corporate media. They have long since given up their jobs as the fourth estate, dedicated to INFORMING the public, instead they are in the game for clicks, access and the all mighty dollar. The American people deserve better! That is why I have decided to launch my own YouTube channel where I will be bringing new shows like Get Woke with Danielle Moodie and shorts like my series Woke Bites—delivering you the news you need in the time you have to spare.
We have but a few weeks left to change the course of this country’s history. When I asked expert Ruth Ben Ghiat whether or not a backsliding democracy could chnage course, she said she hadn’t seen it BUT that America could be the first. Since the seismic shift in our politics I am more hopeful than ever that the American people are WAKING UP, and realize what is at stake in this election. They are beginning, after nine long dark and hopeless years who Donald Trump and the Republican Party are. These are not people that care about making the lives of the American people better. Instead they are the ones that want to champion in a new era of pain and cruelty. Well, thanks to the joy centered campaign of Harris/Walz we have real choice in this election—a path forward or regression.
I know which path I am choosing!
My new YouTube channel is going to offer up the cutting analysis that you are used to with savvy videos and interviews to match. I am excited about what the future holds and I want to create fresh content that reflects it. So, head over to my YouTube Channel today and SUBSCRIBE! It’s time we take our country back one vote and one platform at a time.